VIVACID: – unique organic acid blend

VIVACID: – unique organic acid blend


  • Acidification of Gl tract.
  • Establishment of a preferred microbiological environment within the gut & facilitating nutrient absorption.
  • Reduces gut pH of shrimp/fish and boosts the activity enzymes.
  • Acids in inhibiting growth of enteric pathogenic bacteria especially VIBRIO SPP. Of shrimp/fish.
  • Stabilizes the gastro-intestinal microflora of shrimp/fish.
  • Prevents shrimp/fish from white gut and white faeces disease.
  • Enhances nutrient uptake in intestine of shrimp and minimizes FCR.
  • Increases growth and survival rate of shrimp/fish during culture.
  • Highly effective in wide range of salinity, temperature and pH.